ABC7: 7News helps NW DC mother get new home after struggle with ‘unlivable’ apartment conditions

Carl Willis of 7News On Your Side spoke with Children’s Law Center client, “Tiffany”. We worked in partnership with Tiffany to advocate for housing condition improvements and supported her efforts to relocate to a new home.
Eight months ago, a mother of four in Northwest D.C. shared pictures of a rodent and roach-infested apartment. She also said she had also been dealing with a leaking roof. At the time, she asked to conceal her identity and just be referred to as “Tiffany” because of a domestic issue. The special education teacher said she was stuck living in unhealthy conditions with her young children.
“…with the help of the Children’s Law Center, she was able to see an almost immediate impact thanks to the staff and pro-bono attorneys getting involved in her case.”
Photo credit: ABC 7News (May 2023)
It’s Time for Healthier and Safer Housing for all DC Residents
When a child lives in unhealthy housing, they are more likely to end up in the ER because their poor housing conditions trigger health issues like asthma. That’s why Children’s Law Center partners with organizations across the city to advocate for healthier housing so that all DC children have the safe housing they need to live healthy lives.