ABC7: DC Council hears public opinions on bills to combat student absenteeism

Kellye Lynn of ABC7 reports on the DC Council’s hearing on four bills to address chronic absenteeism and truancy. The coverage features senior policy attorney Danielle Robinette who spoke to how the bills could impact DC students:
“We caution the council against those provisions that cause risk of harm to students,” said Danielle Robinette, senior policy attorney at Children’s Law Center.
Danielle represents special education students and children whose parents are accused of abuse and neglect.
She told 7News that many of these students face attendance barriers.
“Our biggest concern is in the Showing Up for Students Act. Any student that accumulates 30 unexcused absences would fall within the definition of neglect and would be investigated by D.C.’s Child and Family Services Agency. Any contact with the child welfare system, even when a child is not removed from their family, is traumatic for that child,” she said.