DCist: D.C. Allowed Families To Stay In Rapid Rehousing Beyond The Program’s Time Limit. That Reprieve Ends Friday

This fall, the D.C. Council is expected to consider a bill to overhaul DC’s Rapid Rehousing Program. Senior Supervising Attorney Kathy Zeisel spoke to Paras Shah, who wrote about the bill and challenges on RRH for Street Sense and DCist.
RRH was developed as a targeted, temporary measure to help people who had lost their jobs and needed a bridge until they found new employment, said Kathy Zeisel, a senior supervising attorney at the Children’s Law Center, a legal nonprofit that advocates for children to access health care and education.
It is an issue that has long concerned advocates like Zeisel. “We in D.C. use [Rapid Rehousing] as a one-size-fits-all program for any family that becomes homeless,” she said.
Photo credit: Courtesy of Evy Wilkins / Via Street Sense Media