D.C. Bar: 38 New Families Formed at D.C. Courts’ 33rd Annual Adoption Day

November 16 was a joyous occasion at the H. Carl Moultrie Courthouse as the D.C. Superior Court and the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) hosted the 33rd Annual D.C. Adoption Day in Court. At this year’s event, 47 children were adopted to form 38 new families—and 8 of those children were Children’s Law Center clients!
Jeffery Leon of the D.C. Bar reported on the event and highlighted a CLC client:
NBC4’s Barbara Harrison introduces Serena Parks and her adopted daughter “Bunny” during the Annual D.C. Adoption Day in Court on November 16. Bunny’s legal team included guardian ad litem Olabisi M. Davies of the Children’s Law Center.