DC Bar: Member Spotlight: Sharra Greer

Children’s Law Center Policy Director Sharra Greer was recently profiled by the DC Bar. Under her leadership, Children’s Law Center has successfully advocated for significant policy changes including sweeping special education and TANF reforms. But even before Children’s Law Center, Sharra and her wife had a long history of legal advocacy.
Adopting the twins, Liam and Máire, was an eye-opening experience for Greer, who had observed the process from the outside through her work at the CLC. Greer says she was surprised by how much she felt like every other foster parent going through the adoption process considering all her experience with the adoption system.
It took a year and a half to finalize the twins’ adoption and legally add them to the family. In the court order for the adoption, the judge wrote, “It is hereby ordered to be noted that these two are the luckiest moms in the world,” says Kemnitz. “It is a legal fact that we are the luckiest moms in the whole world.”