DC News Now: Families sue DC Department of Human Services for unlawfully cutting people from Rapid Re-housing Program

Mariel Carbone of DC News Now reports on a lawsuit representing over 800 families who will be experiencing housing insecurity after being booted from the District’s Rapid Re-Housing Program. She interviews one of three named plaintiffs in the suit, about her experiences with the program and how being removed will affect her and her daughter’s well being. Carbone also speaks with one of our partners handling the case, who sheds light on the vicious cycle of homelessness the program continues to push families through.
“It basically said I was going to be exiting the program because they didn’t have any funds for us to live here,” said Gregory, who received her notice in May.
Gregory said that sent her into a tailspin.
“It made me feel like ‘oh my gosh, my world is about to spiral out of control.’ I really put my all in trying to get my place, stay stable, I’m in school now for medical assistance,” she said. “I try to stay strong, but mentally it has beat me. It made me feel like I’m going to go back to being homeless. And I know what being homeless feels like, I don’t want [my son] to have to go through that.”
Amber Harding, Executive Director of the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless, is one of the attorneys working on the case. She said D.C. has failed to give families the chance to request an extension, which is required by the law.
“Families are told the whole time they’re in the program as long as they do what they’re asked they’ll have a chance to request an extension at the end of the time period,” Harding said. “That’s in all of the materials, that’s in the law, that’s what they’re told.”
According to the lawsuit, DHS is not abiding by the October Family Re-Housing Stabilization Program Protection Act, which went into effect last year.
Harding said disregarding this law can be devastating to families who are in the program.