DCist: D.C. Housing Authority To Open Waiting List, Adopt New Governing Procedures

DCist reporter Morgan Baskin reports on DHCA’s new administrative and operating guidelines which will apply to the 50,000 people who live in DC public housing complexes or use housing vouchers, along with those seeking to apply for either program.
The D.C. Housing Authority’s board of commissioners voted to approve a rewrite of two massive documents guiding how the agency manages its housing programs, responding to the scathing 2022 report from DCHA’s parent agency dinging its administration of them.
Children’s Law Center attorneys partnered with Legal Aid DC, in a letter asking DCHA to “reconsider its path forward.”
In their [Legal Aid DC] letter to DCHA Director Brenda Donald, groups including Bread for the City, Children’s Law Center, Legal Counsel for the Elderly, and Equal Rights Center argue that the new rule changes do little to address known problems at the agency, instead saddling both residents and DCHA employees with bureaucratic paper-pushing that neither are equipped to manage.
Photo credit: DC Housing Authority/DCist