Fox 5: 2-year-old girl diagnosed with extreme lead poisoning in DC

Recently a DC family represented by Children’s Law Center made the news after a 2-year-old girl was diagnosed with an extreme case of lead poisoning. Adding to the tragedy was the fact that the Luster family lived in a home approved by DC’s housing office. Children’s Law Center Executive Director Judith Sandalow recently spoke with Fox 5 DC about the case.
“One problem is the way the law is structured which requires only visual inspection so if, for example, a landlord paints and the next day adheres an inspection you can’t see what the real problem is,” said Judith Sandalow, the director of the Children’s Law Center.
Judith says the real problem is there’s simply not enough affordable housing in D.C. “We have a child that for the rest of her life will need care and the costs for special education and health care is going to be in the tens of thousands if not millions. So we’re being penny wise, and pound foolish if we don’t focus now on safe and affordable housing,” explained Judith.
For more information and to watch the full interview with Judith Sandalow and the family, follow the link below.