Huffington Post: Fix the Leaky Roof: Putting a Hold on DC’s Tax Triggers

In her latest Huffington Post blog, Children’s Law Center Executive Director Judith Sandalow warns DC leaders we must prepare now for a looming budget crisis in the District.
The Affordable Care Act and local funding for basics that low-income families rely-on are in danger. We need fiscal flexibility ahead of the FY2018 budget so we can continue to protect DC’s most vulnerable children and families.
The District has a $27 million surplus in revenues from 2016, and 2017 revenues are projected to increase. That’s a big year-end bonus and a raise in salary. In some ways, it is the best of times for DC.
But the best of times may soon turn into the worst of times. Without action from the Mayor and DC Council, the District won’t have the flexibility to use these revenues to meet some of the daunting challenges facing the District and its residents.
Those challenges are immense. The roof isn’t just old. It is leaking and in danger of collapse.
Some costs are tied to the very improvements that bring us the increased revenue. School enrollment, for example. As schools improve, more families stay in DC and send their children to public school. More students require more funding.
To read the full article, follow the link below.