The Huffington Post: Giving Teens a Place in Our Community

Judith Sandalow, executive director of Children’s Law Center, joins Huffington Post DC with a blog entry about making a place in the community for teenagers. In response to Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich’s recent comments about poor children lacking a work ethic, Sandalow calls for a broad discussion about teens’ roles.
“Gingrich’s campaign sound bite can be more than a flash in the pan: it can be the spark we need to start a conversation about how to give teens their rightful place in our community. As individuals we must commit to being positive role models for the young adults in our midst; as a city we must commit to providing them the resources they need to grow into positive role models themselves,” Sandalow writes.
Read the full blog, and visit Sandalow’s author page to subscribe to her entries.