The Huffington Post: Public Interest Legal Blog Highlights

Last week in a blog post on the DC section of The Huffington Post, Children’s Law Center executive director Judith Sandalow shared the story of “Charline,” a teenage client who was at one point a homeless high school dropout. Thanks in large part to the tenacity of Charline’s guardian ad litem, Gabrielle Mulnick Majewski, Charline has graduated from high school and is in a job training program; “she is one less statistic and one more success story.” Stories like Charline emphasize why Children’s Law Center never gives up on its young clients.
This week, PSLawNet, a blog and information hub for those interested in public service legal careers, featured the piece in two posts. Contributor Kristen Pavon connected to the story as a new attorney hoping to find a place in the legal aid community and “do good.” Editor Steve Grumm also included the column in the site’s weekly news bulletin.
Subscribe to Judith’s Huffington Post blog posts from her author page or look for links on the “Latest News” section of CLC’s home page.