Legal Times: Previews DC Court’s 25th Adoption Day

In a story to preview the DC Court’s 25th annual Adoption Day, Zoe Tillman of Legal Times spoke to executive director Judith Sandalow about the importance of adoption. Adoption Day will be marked Saturday, November 19.
“In any adoption case, the petitioner – the person adopting – needs to file legal paperwork. There is a trial, evidence is presented,” Sandalow said. “The law creates new families in many different ways, and adoption is one of those ways.”
The article notes that lawyers from more than 50 DC law firms are involved in pro bono work with Children’s Law Center on adoption and guardianship cases.
Additionally, the story features the Leech family, who will have two children’s adoptions finalized at this year’s ceremony. The family has a connection to Children’s Law Center; a CLC attorney served as a guardian ad litem representing another child they adopted a few years ago.
Read the full story online or download a PDF version.