MEDIA ADVISORY: Progress Amidst Uncertainty: Making the Most of DC’s 2018 Budget

Progress Amidst Uncertainty: Making the Most of DC’s 2018 Budget
Experts to Discuss Fiscal Policies that Would Support DC Residents, Release Call to Action to Create the Fiscal Flexibility the District Urgently Needs
Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Council will face a series of challenges as they craft a budget for the District this year – from addressing homelessness to repairing Metro to coping with the federal budget cuts that almost certainly lie ahead. On Tuesday, January 31, leading experts on DC’s finances and the needs of its residents will consider its budget outlook and the restrictive fiscal policies that are impeding its ability to address the needs of community members. The forum will be held at:
9:30 am Tuesday, January 31
Public Welfare Foundation
1200 U Street, NW, Washington, D.C.
Jared Bernstein, Senior Fellow, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and former Chief Economist and Economic Advisor to Vice President Joe Biden
Ed Lazere, Executive Director, DC Fiscal Policy Institute
In addition, Children’s Law Center Executive Director Judith Sandalow will lead a panel discussion that includes Bread for the City Executive Director George Jones, Academy of Hope Charter School CEO Lecester Johnson, and DC residents Angela Hodges and Keyla Ryland, who will discuss their needs and those of their families and communities.
At the forum, event sponsors will release a letter signed by dozens of leading agencies that offers the Mayor and DC Council members a series of recommendations for the FY 2018 budget.
The forum is open to media. Breakfast will be available at 9 am.
The event is co-sponsored by Children’s Law Center; DC Alliance of Youth Advocates; DC Environmental Network; Fair Budget Coalition; Jews United for Justice; Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia; Metropolitan Washington Council, AFL-CIO; Miriam’s Kitchen; and Washington Interfaith Network.
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Contact: Luci Manning