Parachute Coaching: Passion By Coincidence, Leadership With Intention

Children’s Law Center Executive Director Judith Sandalow sat down with Parachute Coaching’s Lauren Laitin recently to discuss her leadership style. At Children’s Law Center, staff are encouraged to be great parents, employees and leaders.
Schedules and sick time are flexible and both men and women receive parental leave. These policies and others help cultivate a positive environment where we attract the best of the best.
“The second thing is that I wanted to make sure that you could be a great attorney here and also be a good parent. It’s important because we believe every child deserves a good family and because it helps us attract and retain strong talent. So we have flexible schedules, and there is no face time requirement. We offer parental leave in equal quantities for men and women. We allow sick leave to be taken if the staff member is sick, or if one of their family members is sick. We do that so that people don’t feel like they have to choose their dedication to this work or their family. Also, there are times when there are true emergencies in this work; when people will have to help a client despite personal obligations, and we want to make those times as palatable as possible.”
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