RELEASE: Children’s Law Center Announces 2014 Champions for Children

Washington, DC–Children’s Law Center named three area law firms as 2014 Champions for Children in recognition of their generous support of the District’s most vulnerable children. The annual award goes to firms whose total yearly giving to Children’s Law Center exceeded that of their peers across DC.
The 2014 Champions for Children award winners are:
• Locke Lord LLP (1-99 attorneys)
• McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP (100-249 attorneys)
• Latham & Watkins LLP (250+ attorneys)
“We are thrilled to present Locke Lord LLP, McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, and Latham & Watkins LLP with the 2014 Champions for Children award,” said Judith Sandalow, Executive Director of Children’s Law Center.
“The generosity of these three firms will pay the yearly salary of two of our 54 lawyers,” Sandalow said. “As a result, more at-risk children in the District will have a top-notch lawyer to secure safe housing, special education services and safe, permanent families.”
The Champions for Children campaign is spearhead by Children’s Law Center’s Advisory Board, which includes over 30 up-and-coming leaders at law firms and corporations within DC. These leaders advance the well-being of children and gain valuable business development experience by promoting pro bono service and advocating for greater giving within their firms to support children.
Children’s Law Center, the largest legal services organization in the District, helps at-risk children who face abuse and neglect, need loving homes, or have special education and health needs.
Last year, Children’s Law Center helped over 5,000 children and their families through its in-house legal staff and partnerships with hundreds of pro bono attorneys from the area’s top law firms, corporate legal departments, and government agencies.