Washington Post: District Does An About-Face On TANF Reform

In the most recent budget cycle, Children’s Law Center and the community we serve achieved a major victory in TANF reform. The DC Council voted to do-away with the 60 month time limit and gradually increase benefits for those whose payments had been reduced. Recently, The Washington Post spoke with Children’s Law Center about the victory.
“The reason we worked so hard to achieve this is the impact on kids when you cut off this benefit is hugely significant,” said Sharra Greer, policy director for the Children’s Law Center in the District. “We now have 20 years of experience with TANF that tells us exactly what happens when you cut off a family. You have increased homelessness, poor educational outcomes, increased child abuse and neglect referrals.
“Really, all kinds of negative impacts.”
Follow the link below to read the full article.