Washington Post: ‘Free-range’ flap fans the flames of a national debate on parenting

Judith Sandalow is quoted in the Washington Post discussing the ongoing debate over free-range parenting. The debate has taken on a national scale after two young children in nearby Silver Spring, MD, were taking into the custody of Child Protective Services twice. The first time was because they were walking home alone, and the second time was because they were playing at a park alone.
What troubles Judith Sandalow, executive director of the Children’s Law Center in Washington, is that cases such as the Meitivs’ get so much media and stir so much buzz but direct attention away from the real problems of child abuse and neglect.
“The problem is, the children who are most often in danger, who actually most often get hurt, live in poverty,” she said. “And their stories don’t stay in the news.”
Read the full story at the link below.