Washingtonian Magazine: Man Up. Lean Out.

Washingtonian Magazine featured an article in the September issue about men achieving work/life balance in Washington. Children’s Law Center Executive Director Judith Sandalow was interviewed for the article to highlight the organization’s leave policies for dads.
From the magazine: “Judith Sandalow works to make sure the opposite is true at her office. The executive director of Children’s Law Center in DC – and a mother of two boys – says women tend to talk to other women at work about their families but dads don’t take to that kind of chat as naturally. So in meetings, Sandalow goes out of her way to ask about their kids. ‘We want out male employees to know that we think of them as fathers,’ she says.
“Staffers have unlimited sick days, and regardless of their gender they’re supposed to stay home if their child is sick. Sandalow Also says dads would likely be chastised if they didn’t take their allotted six weeks of paid paternity leave.
“As a boss, she’s a rare find. Only about 15 percent of companies in the US offer paid paternity leave, according to the Society for Human Resources Management.”