WTOP: Bill would ban schools from suspending, expelling some kids

Children’s Law Center executive director Judith Sandalow was quoted by WTOP in their reporting about the recent bill introduced by Council Member David Grosso that would ban suspensions for three- and four-year olds in DC Public Schools. Children’s Law Center and other advocates see the bill as a good first step, but have urged Council Member Grosso to make a bolder plan to ban suspensions for older children as well.
Others who spoke at the hearing called for an even broader ban. “It’s not just 3- and 4-year-olds. We shouldn’t be suspending any kids at any age,” said Judith Sandalow, with the Children’s Law Center. “My colleagues at Children’s Law Center are still seeing children suspended for being late or not wearing their school uniform. I ask, what message are we sending our students when, instead of tailoring our schools to their needs, we just kick them out? Are we telling these youngsters that they just don’t belong, that the adults don’t care enough to help them — we just want to get rid of them? We’ve got to do better for our kids.”
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