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2023-24 Oversight Testimony: Department of Human Services

February 29, 2024

Children’s Law Center Policy Attorney Makenna Osborn testified today at the Committee on Housing performance oversight hearing for the Department of Human Services (DHS).

Our testimony focuses on two forms of housing assistance administered by DHS that pose persistent problems for our clients and one issue with access to the family homeless services.

First, she highlights the importance of permanent housing vouchers for low-income families and areas where DHS can continue to streamline the process for connecting eligible families with a voucher and stable housing. Second, she discusses how the Rapid Re-Housing program is failing District families and changes DHS needs to make in its operation to improve outcomes for families. Lastly, Makenna outlines why it is a problem that pregnant people in the District are not able to access the family homeless services system until they reach their third trimester and a propose a legislative solution.