FY22 Budget Testimony: DBH

Children’s Law Center Senior Policy Attorney Tami Weerasingha-Cote testified before the DC Council’s Committee on Health to urge the Committee to ensure the Department of Behavioral Health’s budget includes $841,000 for expansion of the School-Based Mental Health program to all remaining DC public schools and $4 million to restore funding for community-based organizations back to FY20 levels. These investments are critical — Year after year, CLC testifies that many of the children we work with — children in the foster care system or receiving special education services — only need our services because their mental health needs have gone unaddressed. As many DC students prepare to return to in-person learning this fall, it is essential that they have access to the behavioral health services they need to address trauma and thrive.
Our Impact: Health
In the District, unsafe housing, inadequate education, lack of good health care and other problems related to poverty, trauma and racism can harm children’s physical and behavioral health. Learn how we’re improving the health of DC kids.