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Designation of Standby Guardian Form

How can l prepare my family for any immigration emergency that might happen to me in the future? How can I designate a standby guardian in case of illness?

Visit to access resources that will help you prepare for immigration emergencies that might happen, such as:

  • Creating a plan for someone to take care of children if detained/deported (Custodial Powers of Attorney).
  • Accessing a family preparedness checklist and sample family safety plan.
  • Creating a plan for someone to handle finances if detained/deported (Financial Powers of Attorney).
  • Learning about your Immigration Rights—what to do if you encounter ICE, if you are arrested, detained or deported.

These resources are for families and allies living in the DC metro area:

Power of Attorney Form

In Washington D.C., you can use a custodial power of attorney to pick a caretaker for your children in preparation for an adverse immigration action. You do not have to go to court to fill out these forms. The forms give the caretaker the same authority as a court order. Visit for more resources including a family preparedness checklist and resources for families living in Maryland or Virginia.

PDF: DC Custodial Power of Attorney

Standby Guardianship Form

This form allows parents to designate a standby guardian. If a parent becomes unable to care for their child(ren) due to illness, the standby guardian shall have temporary authority to act and shall assume the rights, powers, duties, and obligations existing under law between a legal custodian and a child.

The designation of a standby guardian does NOT divest the parent of their parental rights. The standby guardianship designation form enables the parent to plan for the future care of a child(ren), without terminating parental or legal rights, and to give the standby guardian the authority to act in a manner consistent with the known wishes of the designating parent regarding the care, custody, and support of the minor child(ren).

Parents can designate a standby guardian, as well as an optional alternate standby guardian, by filing out this form. The form must also be signed by the standby guardian and alternate standby guardian (if applicable).

Word Document: Designation of Standby Guardian Form

PDF: Designation of Standby Guardian Form

This form requires the parent’s signature to be witnessed by two people (the standby guardian or alternate standby guardian cannot serve as witnesses).

This free form is intended for D.C. residents who do not have lawyers. If you have a lawyer, your lawyer will draft the legal documents you need, tailored to your own specific case.

NOTE: The Designation of Standby Guardian form is only valid for 90 days. After that, it must be filed in DC Superior Court in order to get a longer-term guardianship. Along with the Designation of Standby Guardian form, the caretaker must file the following form: Petition for Appointment of Standby Guardian (by Standby Guardian Designate)

The information on this website is presented by Children’s Law Center as a service to its clients and the public. Although Children’s Law Center attempts to keep this information current and accurate, it makes no warranty or guarantee that it is correct, complete, or up-to-date.

To access the PDF version of the Designation of Standby Guardian form, you must have Adobe Reader. To download a free copy, go to

Need Help?

Contact Children’s Law Center if you live in Washington, DC and need assistance in filling out your Power of Attorney forms.

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