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FY17 Budget Testimony: Department of Behavioral Health

April 6, 2016

Policy Director Sharra Greer testified before the DC Council’s Committee on Health and Human Services regarding the Mayor’s proposed FY17 budget for the District’s Department of Behavioral Health (DBH). In her testimony, she highlighted the significant unmet need for accessible, timely and high quality mental health services for children, but she also acknowledged the tough choices before the Mayor and Council due to a tight budget.

While she did not ask for any increased FY17 funding for DBH in her testimony, Sharra did ask that the Committee and DBH take into consideration the misalignment of the School Year and Fiscal Year, which would make funding any expansion of school based behavioral health programs and services for SY2017-2018 difficult, if no allocation of funds is made in the FY17 budget.

Click below to read her full testimony.
