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FY11 Budget Testimony: District of Columbia Public Schools

April 22, 2010

Executive Director Judith Sandalow testified at the DC Public Schools Proposed Fiscal Year 2011 Budget hearing, highlighting the importance of protecting services for special education and at-risk students.

Sandalow urged the DC Council to continue to invest in and protect funding for special education and early intervention, as the Mayor’s proposed budget has outlined.   By investing in DCPS special education programs, the District will have countless positive consequences, including saving taxpayer money spent on the cost of nonpublic tuition and transportation, as well as enabling children to receive high-quality education in their neighborhood schools.

Further, Sandalow urged the Council to protect programs that serve students who are at-risk of dropping out of school, such as alternative education programs like summer school, GED programs or vocational training.  Programs like these help the District by helping young adults become independent.  The alternatives are often homelessness or incarceration.

Read the full testimony