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Testimony: Public Hearing on the Transition Plan for Families Nearing the TANF Time Limit

Policy Attorney Kimberly Waller testified before the DC Council Committee on Health and Human Services regarding the Department of Human Services’ transition plan for over 6,000 families who have been on the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program for longer than 60 months and will lose their benefits on October 1st, 2016.

In her testimony, she addresses the potential reprecussions on District children resulting in the elimination of almost half of the families in the District’s TANF program. Some of these reprecussions include:

  • poor health outcomes and increased child hunger;
  • increased child maltreatment and contact with the abuse and neglect system; and
  • increased reliance of these families on other District systems of support.


Click below to read her full testimony.
