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The children and families we serve are facing one crisis after another — unsafe housing, unmet learning needs, mental health and more. Now more than ever, DC’s kids need a trusted partner, advocate and problem-solver.

In that spirit, we are so grateful to the many individual donors and family foundations who have stepped up to meet the urgency of this moment. Because of their support, Children’s Law Center remains a strong anchor institution ready to answer the call of DC’s children and families in need. 

For more information about making a gift, contact Erica McCollum at (202) 467-4900 x699 or

Meet Our Individual Supporters


Diana and Stephen Goldberg*^ 


The Andrew and Julie Klingenstein Family Fund* 

MAJIC Vermont Foundation 


Jim Bodner and Victoria Greenfield

Manu Gayatrinath and Anthony Cruz 

Creighton and Vicky Magid


Brian V. Breheny and Pedro Lay


Allison Alexander and Gregory Coleman

Elizabeth and Justin Bausch

Vicki and Michael Foster

Stephanie P. Hales and Thomas L. Devlin

Dan Masur and Sherry Rhodes


Meagan and John Barkett

Lois and Richard England Family Foundation

Wendy and Fred Goldberg

Fred and Jill Klein

Courtenay and Michael Labson

Jane and Thad Paul

Melissa Wiley


Traevena L. Byrd

David and Martha Dantzic

Evan Miller and Nancy Hedin

The Nord Family Foundation

Daniel Volchok and Kathleen Keller


Ona Alston Dosunmu

Cindy and Mark Aron

Beaverdale Foundation

Jeff Brennan and Debbie Feinstein

Jule Cahill Crider and Greg Crider

Jennifer and Miguel Eaton

Leonard Egan

Lisa Greenman and Paul Leder

Annette M and Theodore N Lerner Family Foundation, Inc.

Jason Licht and Kathryne Love

Rich and Lynne Lucas

Mike and Lesley McNamara

Katie and Dick Snowdon

Anthony and Dale Pappas



Virginia Anthony

Nathaniel and Lee Beers

Marcia and Donald Bisenius

Miguel Browne and Silvija Strikis

Tom and Kristy Bulleit

Jill Caiazzo

Dorothy and Joseph Conti

Martha Coven and Paul Frick

Anne P. Davis

Joyce Deroy and Warren King

Alice and Clint Fisher

Jonathan Franklin and Sharon Bradford Franklin

The Hanley Foundation DC

Steven and Carla Heger

Shira M. Helstrom

Geoffrey M. Klineberg and Ursula Werner

John and Deborah Majoras

Nikki McArthur

Tara and Brian McClelland

Mary E. McClymont

Jim and Marilyn McCullough

Steven and Stacey Pacelli

Papez Family Fund

Elizabeth Park

Richard Perry

Jessica Rosenbaum

Michael G. Ryan

Janice Schneider

Theodore D. Segal and Joyce Wasserstein

Brian Shook and Derek Thomas

Nancy and Simon Sidamon-Eristoff

Jennifer Van Driesen

Keith and Geetha Waehrer

Bill Wolfe

Ben and Emily Wolfert



Bill and Sunny Alsup

Bill Baker

Shirley Brandman and Howard Shapiro

Jennifer and Brandon Brough

Cory and Rachel Capps

Jeffrey Chenard

David Dorros

David Edwards and Jacqueline Holmes

Evan and Amanda Farber

Scott Forchheimer

Scott and Danielle Garten

Natasha Gianvecchio

J. Beth and Roland Goss

Ruth Gramlich

Marc Granger

Julie Hewitt and Susan Kennedy

Jessica Hough and Raina Brubaker

Dorothy and Peter Hughes

David and Jill Kalinski

J. Andrew Keyes and Cathleen Trail

Nicholas Luongo

Amanda Major and Charles Beene

Michael Morin

John M. Nannes

Katherine Pappas and Craig Goldstein

Alan and Miriam Pemberton

Ruth and Stephen Pollak

Emily and Marc Porter

Ray Ritchey

David and Mary Ellen Rogers

James Sandman and Elizabeth Mullin

Ryan Scarborough and Cyndi Lee

Benjamin and Sarah Shapiro

Lila and Brendan Sullivan

The Zerhouni Family Charitable Foundation

Joanne L. Zimolzak and Eric Sampson


Anonymous (2)

Robert Abele

Jessica Abrahams

The Anne and Ronald Abramson Family Foundation

Michele Anderson

James and Masako Armstrong

Kady Ashley

John and Brenda Avioli

James H. Barker

David Barrett

James Barrett

Rosemary Barkett

Stephanie and Joel Bell

Deborah Ben-Canaan

John T. Bentivoglio

Benjamim Berman

Richard and Susanne Beyda

Meredith L. Boylan

Zeb Bradford

Rick Bress

Jim and Marian Brodsky

Carolyn Brown

David Brown

Karen and Nick Bruni

Alan Bubes and Nancy Taylor-Bubes

Joseph O. Bunting III

Charles Cassidy

Barton Clark

Christopher Clark

Cheryl Coe

Ronald and Lashelle Coenen

Alex Cohen

Robert and Rose Cohen

Willliam and Robyn Collins

Theresa and Frank Connolly

Charles and Debra Cooper

Edward and Debbie Corwin

Joseph W. Creech

Chris Cronin

Rob and Teri Culbertson

Jonathan Cummings

Dina and Wayne Curtis

Sy Damle

David Della Rocca

Nicholas DeNovio

Adam and Ginger Di Vincenzo

Andrew and Hillary Dolinsky

Miranda Dore

Paul Dougherty

A. Patrick Doyle and Elizabeth Downes

Paul M. Dudek

Katulle Eaton

Peter Edelman and Marian Wright Edelman

Michael and April Egge

Jay and Nancy Epstien

Rob and Linda Faktorow

Heather Fine

Miriam Fisher

Sean M. Fitzgerald and Maria Jose Brando Vernaza

Raquel Fox

Ruth Friedman

Arthur and Cill Fuccillo

AnnElyse Gains

Jennifer Giordano

Benjamin Gitterman

Harvey and Shari Goodman

Joel and Rebecca Green

Sanessa Griffiths

Denise Hanna

Stephen and Dale Harburg

Donald Harrison

Michael Heckmann and Krista Heckmann

Nancy Hendry and Bill Baer

Geoffrey and Elizabeth Hobart

Shagufa Hossain

Paul James Hunt

Betsy Karmin

Melanie Katsur

Christine Kearns

Brian Kowalski

Laura Laemmle-Weidenfeld

Billy and Casey Laxton

Ed Lazere and Suzanne Griffith

Brenda Lee and Scott Neuman

Daniel Lennon

Harriet Lipkin and Chris Sautter

Charles Logan

Mark London

Holley and Warren Lutz

Rajiv and Emily Madan

Len Mangiaracina

Rick and Lori Marks

Theresa and Curt Martin

Heidi Mason

Catherine Mathieu

Maureen and Michael McDonald

Timothy McDonald

Stacey and Jay McEvoy

Patrick McGlone and Kevin Taylor

Bobby Meehling

J.B. and Kate Meek

Nicole and Joshua Mintz

Eric Mitzenmacher

Leakhena Mom-Price

Matthew Moore

Tom Morey

Stephanie Mueller

Christopher Naughten

Bryan Nese and Hnin Khaing

Mitchell and Julie Nusbaum

Jessica Nyman and Zac Childers

Thomas Papson and Toby Singer

David and Sally Jean Penna

Julia and Jonathan Post

Garrett M. Preis

Mitchell and Allison Prince

Linda Ravdin

Jessica Rebarber

Bryant and Janet Richardson

James Rocap

Rochelle-Leigh Rosenberg and Daniel Ben-Zadok

Barry and Joan Rosenthal

Glenn and Pamela Rosenthal

David Sandalow and Holly Hammonds

Frank and Dawn Saul

Saul and Jodi Scherl

Harris and Amy Schwalb

David Schwartz

Michael and Gretchen Segal

Theodore D. Segal and Joyce Wasserstein

Patrick and Karoline Shannon

Stephen Shaw

Rachel and Paul Sheridan

Linda Guild Simpson and Richard A. Simpson

Leonard and Beth Sloan

Amy Snyder

Jeffrey P. Taft

J. Cory Tull

Ann Untalan

Clinton Vince

David Wachtel and Jenny Goldstein

Nathaniel and Dorothy Ward

Hillary Webber and Eric Conn

Rebecca Weinreich

Wells Katz Family Fund

Bryant Welters

The Wilkes Family Foundation

Patricia Townsley Wingfield and Robert Wingfield

Roger Winston

John P. Wolf

* Children Can’t Wait Fund donors 
^ Legacy Society members who have named Children’s Law Center in their estate plan 