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Showing 11–20 of 67 results

  • Healthy Housing

    Deveah’s Healthy Housing Puzzle

    Deveah’s smile brightens the room at Chuck E. Cheese, especially when she takes a turn on the horsey ride. She and her mom, Ms. Bowen,…

  • Behavioral Health

    "I keep them on speed dial..."

    “When I had COVID, they had to put me on the ventilator,” recalled Ms.Harris. Luckily, before that happened, Ms. Harris’ mom reached out tous. “My…

  • Family

    The Healing Power of Love

    Serena’s* mother loved her, but was overwhelmed by caring for her and her two older brothers. One day she was giving 4-month-old Serena a bath,…

  • Healthy Housing

    A Mother's Fight for the Right Home

    A new home is a new beginning for a family.   For seven-year-old Ayden and his mother, Ms. Chance, this couldn’t be truer. However, their new home did not come…

  • Behavioral Health

    Tapping into Yesenia’s Inner Creativity to Cope in a Crisis

    Like too many children, Yesenia struggled with distance learning. She no longer received the hands-on help she received in school, and her autism made it difficult for her to connect socially with other students through the screen. She became depressed and began to develop new behavioral health issues – including angry outbursts, crying and withdrawing from activities she once enjoyed. She lost her love for school. Her dad grew concerned and called their Children’s Law Center lawyer.

  • Healthy Housing

    Kamira is Breathing Easier Thanks to Innovative Partnership

    “At one point I was taking Kamira to the doctor every three days,” Ms. Taylor recalls. Her almost three-year-old daughter was already struggling with asthma, but then more serious symptoms appeared. “Kamira started waking up with nosebleeds in the middle of the night. I was so scared.”